Many growing private companies operate in crisis mode when it comes to corporate finance and corporate financial planning. The challenge for entrepreneurs and CFOs is to figure out what financing alternative are best for their team, when they have little, if any, financing experience beyond dealing with the local bank. Typically they need a solution - the best solution- in a very limited amount of time.
For a company that has already achieved some success, the learning curve can be time consuming and expensive. Much of the lack of information is caused by the capital markets itself, which rewards and compensates bankers and investors based on leading companies towards one solution over another. As a result, bankers may recommend a less than ideal solution simply to get the highest finder's fee, maximize a commission, or gain the biggest ownership interest in a company. Taken collectively, these conflicts short change the growing company that needs GREAT advice the most, or the company that needs financing in the shortest amount of time.
To address these challenges Lantern Capital Advisors prides itself on being FAST, TRUSTED, and COST EFFECTIVE
News Bulletin
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- Ligj nr. 135/2013 datë 29.4.2013 Për disa shtesa dhe ndryshime në ligjin nr. 10 128, datë 11.5.2009 “Për tregtinë elektronike†Reference, Fletore Zyrtare Nr.80, Dt. 15 Maj 2013
- Ligj nr.126/2013 datë 25.4.2013 Për një shtesë dhe ndryshim në ligjin nr. 10 383, datë 24.2.2011“Për sigurimin e detyrueshëm të kujdesit shëndetësor në Republikën e Shqipërisë†Reference, Fletore Zyrtare Nr.76, Dt. 10 Maj 2013